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Visit of AED Cluster Portugal

Visit of AED Cluster Portugal

EID is a member of the AED Cluster Portugal, a platform whose aim is the aggregation of entities in the Aeronautics, Space and Defence areas. Last January 21st we received…

Renewal of Partnership Agreement

We are pleased to announce the renewal of the partnership agreement between EID and Quattro-Trading and Distribution for Trading and Distribution Company from Egypt, with an ever growing focus on its services, local…
visit of Egypt Armed Forces

Visit of Egypt Armed Forces

Last week EID was honoured to receive the visit of Egypt Armed Forces. The delegation was accompanied by idD and Portuguese General-Directorate for National Defence Policy. We had the opportunity…

Portuguese Air Force Air Commander visits EID

It was a great honour to receive the Lieutenant – General Eurico Craveiro Air Commander of the Portuguese Air Force and his delegation on the past 29th of Septembre. The…
dsei poster

EID at DSEI 2021

EID attended DSEI – Defence & Security Equipment International, that took place between the 14th and 17th of September at ExCeL, London. Our specialists presented our Naval, Land and Security…
eid website promo

Welcome to our brand-new website!

With a user-friendly interface, the new site allows easy navigation so that you can find information regarding the company’s defence capabilities, the latest news related with products and solutions and…