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TechNet Europe 2021

TechNet Europe is almost here! This year they´re discussing Challenging Times for National Security – Technologies for Better Cyber Defence and Battlefield Resilience. EID is a proud sponsor of such an…
International Womens day

International Womens Day

On this International Women’s day, EID, S.A. celebrates, recognizes and appreciates the contribution and support of all its female employees. Thank you all!
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EID to attend IDEX & NAVDEX 2021

EID is attending the International Defence Exhibition (IDEX) and the Naval Defence & Maritime Exhibition (NAVDEX) from 21st-24th February in Abu Dhabi. Our new Managing Director, Frederico Lemos and Nuno…

EID continues to work closely with the Portuguese Army

EID has continued its proximity work with the Portuguese Army, providing high-performance tactical communications systems and next generation IP intercom systems as part of ongoing supply contracts. In September 2020,…

Seasons Greetings

At EID we are very proud of our business. We recognise, and are grateful for, the relationships and support we have with our customers and partners. Thank you for being…

Frederico Lemos joins EID as Executive President

EID is pleased to announce the appointment of Frederico Lemos as Executive President, on the retirement of António Marcos Lopes after over 35 years’ service. Frederico joins EID from Embraer…